"Forse se attacco l'iPhone al computer riesco a registrare" (questa una delle prime malsane idee, alle quali sono conseguiti tentativi non proprio riusciti).
Visti i risultati alquanto scadenti, ho deciso di armarmi di pazienza, e scavare nel web come mai avessi fatto prima.
1) Dovevo capire COSA mi servisse e soprattutto COME usarlo.
2) Spendere il meno possibile, puntando al massimo risultato ottenibile.
Stampatevi questo in testa: TUTTI possono potenzialmente registrare la propria musica stando tranquillamente sulla poltrona di casa propria.
Molti pensano infatti che si debbano spendere centinaia (e anche migliaia) di € o $ per registrare, che sia una demo o un cd, ma non è del tutto vero.
Fermiamoci un attimo a riflettere:
Siete in una band formata da poco, avete vari pezzi già scritti, vi piacciono, ma nessuno li ha mai ascoltati. Cosa si fa di solito?
Si prende, si gira in qualche piccolo/medio studio, ci si fa fare un preventivo e si registra.
Peccato che nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi vengano dei lavori superficiali, fatti di fretta e con un suono "sporco". Perchè d'altronde la qualità si paga, e non ha senso investire in una prima demo.
Con i soldi che spendereste per registrare una demo alla cdc [cazzo di cane, n.d.r.], potete mettervi su il vostro piccolo studio casalingo, e con una grande dose di studio, pratica e ancora studio, otterrete dei risultati molto migliori.
Io ho deciso di fare così, e in un paio d'anni di tentativi e studio, ho ottenuto questo primo risultato, registrando tutto a casa con la mia attrezzatura:
E' un punto d'inizio, sia chiaro. Non sono qui di certo per dire "guardate che figo sono".
Ho molte cose da imparare, e vorrei rendervi partecipi di questo processo.
Detto questo non voglio dire che gli studi non servano a niente, anzi, sono luoghi appositamente studiati per registrare, mixare, fare mastering ad alto livello.
Alto livello appunto. Vedo lo studio di registrazione professionale come un punto d'arrivo, non uno d'inizio.
Se non siete nessuno (per ora almeno), a cosa serve rivolgersi a luoghi professionali?
Andreste in studi professionali per registrare demo di qualità medio-bassa (perchè fare le cose di qualità costa, e anche tanto).
E' un po' come se iniziaste a studiare pianoforte comprandovi un steinway & sons, o faceste per la prima volta il riff di "Smoke on the Water" con una Fender o una Les Paul, con un Marshall testata + cassa da 10000W, ecc
Quindi PERCHE' fare homerecording?
- Registri quando vuoi
- Registri dove vuoi
- Massima libertà di espressione artistica (in soldoni, fai quel che vuoi)
- (last but not least) RISPARMI
E' tutto rose e fiori? scordatevelo.
In realtà dipende un po' da voi.
Io quando inizio una cosa la voglio portare alla massima espressione che mi sia personalmente possibile, quindi vedo il tutto come un'equazione di questo tipo:
HomeRecording = [(tempo + pazienza) * passione] + attrezzatura giusta.
Se vi manca uno degli addendi lasciate perdere.
Se vi manca il fattore - in questo caso la passione - lasciate perdere^2.
After I wrote my first music pieces, around 2 years ago, I wanted to listen how they actually sounded, and of course I had absolutely no idea how to do it.
“Maybe if I plug my iPhone in the computer I can use it as a microphone” (those are the thoughts I had back then).
Since I couldn’t get anything decent out of it, I’ve decided to dig the web like I never did, searching for precise and useful stuff.
1) I had to learn WHAT I needed to record and HOW to use it
2) Cheaper but with quality
Understand this: EVERYBODY can potentially record music in his own room.
Many people thinks that you need to spend hundrends (or even thousands) of bucks to record a demo or a CD, but it’s not quite true.
Let’s take a moment and think:
You are a new band, you already have some original music, you like it, but nobody ever listened to it. What would you do?
Usually you look for a cheap studio, and record there.
The downside of this method is that very often the sound you achieve is poor, muddy and not professional at all. Of course, if you want quality, you must pay for it. A lot.
So, with the same money you’d spend to record a shitty demo, you can set up your homerecording studio, and with a lot of study, practice, and study again, you can achieve way better results.
That’s what I decided to do.
With a couple of years of attempts and studying, I’ve achieved this first result, recording everything in my room with my gear.
This of course is a starting point. I’m not here bragging about my sound.
I’ve a lot to learn, and I wanna share it with you.
That being said, I wanna stress the fact that I don’t mean that professional studios are useless, otherwise, they’re places built for recording, mixing and mastering at an high and professional level.
Professional level, yeah. I see the recording studio more as a “arriving point” than as a starting one.
If your’re nobody (at least for now), why should you go in professional places?
You don’t have many money to spend in this, so you’d get what you pay for: a muddy demo.
It’s like you’d start studying the piano playing a steinway & sons or as you’d play for the 1st the riff from “Smoke on the Water” with a Fender or a Les Paul, with a 10000W Marshall
Then WHY should you go with homerecording?
It actually depends on yourself.
I’m someone that put all himself when he’s trying to achieve something. So I’ve come up with something like an “equation” of Homerecording:
HomeRecording = [(Time + Patience) * Passion] + gear.
If you lack of one of the addend, forget this.
If you lack of the factor – passion in this case – forget it^2.
After I wrote my first music pieces, around 2 years ago, I wanted to listen how they actually sounded, and of course I had absolutely no idea how to do it.
“Maybe if I plug my iPhone in the computer I can use it as a microphone” (those are the thoughts I had back then).
Since I couldn’t get anything decent out of it, I’ve decided to dig the web like I never did, searching for precise and useful stuff.
1) I had to learn WHAT I needed to record and HOW to use it
2) Cheaper but with quality
Understand this: EVERYBODY can potentially record music in his own room.
Many people thinks that you need to spend hundrends (or even thousands) of bucks to record a demo or a CD, but it’s not quite true.
Let’s take a moment and think:
You are a new band, you already have some original music, you like it, but nobody ever listened to it. What would you do?
Usually you look for a cheap studio, and record there.
The downside of this method is that very often the sound you achieve is poor, muddy and not professional at all. Of course, if you want quality, you must pay for it. A lot.
So, with the same money you’d spend to record a shitty demo, you can set up your homerecording studio, and with a lot of study, practice, and study again, you can achieve way better results.
That’s what I decided to do.
With a couple of years of attempts and studying, I’ve achieved this first result, recording everything in my room with my gear.
This of course is a starting point. I’m not here bragging about my sound.
I’ve a lot to learn, and I wanna share it with you.
That being said, I wanna stress the fact that I don’t mean that professional studios are useless, otherwise, they’re places built for recording, mixing and mastering at an high and professional level.
Professional level, yeah. I see the recording studio more as a “arriving point” than as a starting one.
If your’re nobody (at least for now), why should you go in professional places?
You don’t have many money to spend in this, so you’d get what you pay for: a muddy demo.
It’s like you’d start studying the piano playing a steinway & sons or as you’d play for the 1st the riff from “Smoke on the Water” with a Fender or a Les Paul, with a 10000W Marshall
Then WHY should you go with homerecording?
- Record when you want
- Record where you want
- You decide for yourself about your own music
- (last but not least) You save up money
It actually depends on yourself.
I’m someone that put all himself when he’s trying to achieve something. So I’ve come up with something like an “equation” of Homerecording:
HomeRecording = [(Time + Patience) * Passion] + gear.
If you lack of one of the addend, forget this.
If you lack of the factor – passion in this case – forget it^2.
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